Munich - Held Hans Ludwig



Autor Held Hans Ludwig
Verlag Richard Pflaum Verlag
Seiten 94
Buchart Broschüre
ISBN 0000000302

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THE Munich of old, the pride of Bavarians and the Mecca of visitors from all over the world is no more. Instead, we have desolate wastes, and ruins that gaze on us accusingly from hollow eyes; the bitter heritage of an age of horrors. And yet life does not stand still, if it does not of itself give up the struggle, nor has the Munich heart, as the saying has it, "the golden Munich heart" ceased to beat. The energy to make a fresh Start demands much from us, and the knowledge of how to do it still more. We shall find and keep the right way if we never allow ourselves to forget what was and is still the background of Munich, namely a tiadition that is eight centuries old and the joy in its own healthy way of life combined with a wide interest in the world at large and a particular kind of hospitality. The culture and art which helped to found and preserve the reputation of Munich in. the world are the result of the constantly recurring union of natives and new-comers.

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